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“Here the essences of creation are at play.”

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“Earth, water, fire, air and space, and the senses that perceive them. The center is the dancing ground.” ~Radiance Sutras


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 Integrated Movement Yoga

Tailored to meet the individual where they are,  Integrated Movement Yoga incorporates hand on adjustments, slow, subtle movement within the postures to help open the tissies and joints, structural awareness and alignment (for safety purposes) as a gateway to free up stuck energy.  Alison uses a holistic approach to yoga designed to assist in releasing blockages and re-pattern the internet of the body, helping one to live in an Embodied flow state.  Whatever level you are starting at, Alison’s focus is to help you shift your relationship with pain, misalignment and disconnection in your body into deeper connection to Self where you experience less stress, more vitality, and greater ease in your body, mind and spirit.

IM Yoga/Bodywork Privates with Alison

These 1:1 yoga sessions incorporate assisted stretching and pressure in specific yoga postures to release fascial restriction and allow the recipient to enter into a relaxed and open state. We work with the individuals needs connecting breath and movement while being held in an intentional space of presence. This 1:1 attention to the body has a powerful effect on the nervous system; inviting surrender that allows the body to pattern back into balance.

Yoga is an individual practice to each person. Every body is unique and requires different attention. Who is it for?

Investment: $175.00 75 Minutes


Schedule Appointment

Visit the Class Page for Public Classes and online registration


What is the Practice?

Alison’s teaching style has its foundation in the traditional roots of Ashtanga Vinyasa and Alignment/Therapeutic based traditions of Iyengar,  as well as the principles of Rolfing/Structural Integration. In this practice we blend physical yoga postures, breath work and meditation, tapping into the original medicines of yoga to heal the body.

About Alison

Alison has over 30 years of experience in Yoga and Somatic Practices.  She is an E-RYT 500 Yoga Alliance certified teacher and Certified Rolfer®. As a well respected teachers teacher, she will custom design your practice in person or via zoom . Alison’s main teacher was Richard Freeman. She studied Ashtanga yoga and Ayurveda in India along with other master yoga teachers that have all influenced the way she teaches. She offers a wealth of knowledge in Ashtanga Vinyasa, Alignment based yoga, restorative and flow yoga. She includes yoga asana, pranayama, practical yoga philosophy to live by,  somatic movement for nervous system regulation, meditation and lifestyle tips to help you tailor a daily practice that fits your individual needs.

                                        These practices are designed to:


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True yoga is not about the shape of your body, but the shape of your life. Yoga is not to be performed; yoga is to be lived. Yoga doesn’t care about what you have been; yoga cares about the person you are becoming. Yoga is designed for a vast and profound purpose, and for it to be truly called yoga, its essence must be embodied.”

~Adhi Palkhivala- Fire of Love


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